


School health nurse

The School Based Youth Nurse role here is to work with the school community on issues that may affect the health and wellbeing of young people and the school community as a whole. 

This includes helping with teaching and learning activities; providing health information and referral; supporting the development of an environment and school culture that supports health and wellbeing; and working with community and other services.

SBYN provide health and wellbeing information about:

  • Healthy eating and physical activity
  • Healthy relationships
  • Growth and development
  • Feeling unhappy or stressed
  • Sexual health 
  • Smoking, alcohol and other drugs
  • Personal and family problems

There is an open door to students, they are able to self refer to the service.

Parents and school staff also refer students however it is voluntary for young people to attend. 

Students can make an appointment with the SBYHN to discuss any questions that they have about their health. These appointments are confidential, so  information cannot be shared without the students consent unless there is a risk to their health or others. 

However if students permit, sharing of their health and well being with specific staff members within the school occurs if the issue is going to impact their schooling. If they consent we can then work together in the student’s best interest. 

The primary focus is on health promotion, supporting school staff with health related information and promotion and brief intervention consultations with students and referral onto other services.

Last reviewed 28 September 2022
Last updated 28 September 2022