


Homestead Carnivals

We have three (3) homestead carnivals that are run throughout the year. Students have the opportunity to participate in all of these carnivals and show their house spirit. Information for these carnivals is disseminated directly to students and parents via our communication platforms.

2025 Homestead Carnivals

  • Swimming Carnival: Friday 14 February
  • Cross Country: Wednesday 2 April
  • Track & Field: Tuesday 15 July

Gold Coast Sport Central (GCSC) Cluster Day Sports

Benowa SHS students will participate in 5 full day cluster sport days across Terms 1, 2 and 3.  They have the opportunity to participate in the Gold Coast Sport Central (GCSC) Interschool competition competing against Miami SHS, Nerang SHS, Southport SHS and Varsity College. When participating in these activities, students will be representing the school and as such, they are expected to adhere to the school’s behaviour management plan and standards. 

2025 Cluster Dates

Training Day 1
Wednesday 19 February (T1 W4) – Period 4
Training Day 2Wednesday 26 February (T1 W5) – Period 4
Round 1Wednesday 5 March (T1 W6)
Round 2Tuesday 29 April (T2 W2)
Round 3Wednesday 4 June (T2 W7)
Round 4Wednesday 11 June (T2 W8)
Round 5Tuesday 12 August (T3 W5)
FinalsTuesday 19 August (T3 W6)
BACK-UPTuesday 2 September (T3 W8)

Register for GCSC sport here. External link

What sports and where

This table gives you a brief outline of sports and locations. Full details including risk and cost are here. * Indicates a competitive sport which may see teams compete in a final round and medals awarded.

Divisions / Years
AFL (9 aside)
Alan Nielsen Park
Nielsens Road, Carrara
Rd 1 - SSHS
Girls: 7/8/9 and 10/11/12
Boys: 7/8/9 and 10/11/12

Runaway Bay
Sports Drive, Runaway Bay
Girls: 7/8, 9/10, 11/12

Gold Coast Sports & Leisure Centre 296 Nerang Broadbeach Road, Carrara
Boys: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Miami SHS - Library
Gold Coast Highway, Miami
Drama Fest 
Benowa SHS
Dance Extension
Benowa SHS
Benowa SHS
Coplicks @ Tallebudgera
495 Guineas Creek Rd, Tallebudgera
Indoor Cricket
Arundel Indoor Sports Arena
61 Newheath Dr, Arundel 
Mixed: 7/8/9,  10/11/12

Lawn bowls

Benowa Bowls Club
119-127 Ashmore Road, Benowa 
Mountain biking
South Coast Netball Assoc
83, Melaleuca Drive, Palm Beach
Girls: 7, 8 and 9/10
Mixed: 11/12
KDV  221 Nerang Broadbeach Rd, Carrara 
Mixed: 7/8/9 and 10/11/12
Skateboarding / Scootering
Pizzey Park Skate Park
80 Pacific Avenue, Miami
Soccer (full field *)
Musgrave Mustangs Soccer Club Keith Hunt Park, 165 Musgrave Avenue, Labrador
Boys 7 and 8
Soccer (full field *)
Pizzey Park Soccer Bardon Avenue, Miami
Boys 9/10

Soccer Indoor *

GC Indoor Sport
9 Dominions Rd, Ashmore
Girls: 7/8/9 and 10/11/12
Soccer (Goals)*

Goals Australia
3 Alabaster Drive, Carrara
Boys 11/12
Burleigh Lifeguard Tower
Girls: 7/8/9 and 10/11/12
Boys: 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12
Table Tennis *

Gold Coast Table Tennis Assoc
Lot 1 Herbertson Drive, Molendinar
Mixed: 7/8, 9/10, 11/12

Gold Coast Seniors Tennis Club
1/24 Pizzey Drive
Mermaid Waters + Miami Grass Courts
Mixed: 7/8/9 and 10/11/12
Ten Pin Bowling

Zone Bowling Robina
1 Robina Town Centre Drive, Robina
Touch Football*

Mallawa Sport Complex
57 Melaleuca Drive, Palm Beach
Girls: 7, 8, 9
Boys: 7, 8, 9
Mixed: 10/11/12
CISC 8 Indoor
35 Beattie Rd, Coomera 
Girls: 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12
Boys: 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12

What is the cost to participate?

Students who wish to participate in the GCSC will need to have their fees up to date as per the terms of their SRS agreement. Please be aware there are NO REFUNDS for students who are absent on cluster days as bookings have been secured to finalise numbers.  All costs are available here

Representative Sport

Trials will be advertised to students using the Sports Noticeboard (outside the sports hall), the student notices on compass and the school website.

*Please be advised that times/dates/venues are subject to change due to numerous circumstances. 

Below is information regarding Rep Sport and Broadwater Processes.

What is Representative School Sport

Benowa SHS is part of the Broadwater district. Students must trial at Broadwater if they wish to be considered at the South Coast trial. If students are successful at the South Coat trial, they will compete at the State Championships.

Process to apply for Broadwater  District Trials

If your student wishes to be considered for the Broadwater Trials, please email or have your student see the Director of Sport (Shannon Austin - by any due dates. Full details are available here.  Approval is based on behaviour and attendance. Students that are selected to trial for Broadwater will receive a BWSS Parent Consent & Medical Form & Mouth Guard Consent Form from. Mouth Guard Forms are only required for specific sports, such as AFL, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Hockey and Water Polo.

Depending on the number of nominations, a trial may be held at school to nominate who goes to the Broadwater trials. Students will be notified if this is necessary.

Broadwater Paper Nomination

Paper nominations will occur if there are not enough nominations to field a team at a trial. If you student wants to attend, please email the Director of Sport by the due date.

What if my student can not attend the Broadwater Trial?

In order for students to be selected in a Broadwater team they must be in attendance at the District Trials. The only exception to this is where:

  1. Students are away at a sporting event of a high level (in one of the sports approved by Qld School Sport)
  2. Students have a medical certificate covering the trial date
  3. Bereavement or compassionate reasons

NB. Section 2) does not apply to Swimming or Cross Country where no medical certificates are accepted.

If a student meets the exception criteria listed above and wishes to be considered for the team, they must get an Absentee Application for Exemption form the Director of Sport, complete and return it as soon as possible.

South Coast Regional Sport

Following the Broadwater trial, successful students will be provided with South Coast trial information. It is imperative that students and parents follow the below process to ensure their place at the trial.

  • Parents/Students need to fill out the South Coast online booklet, print and bring it to the Director of Sport ASAP in order to have it approved (this booklet is then returned to the student)
  • You need to ensure that you pay online prior to the trial (No payment = no trial). Payment details will be distributed at the Broadwater trial.
  • On the day of the trial, students must;
    • Organise your own transport to and from the trial
    • Ensure the South Coast booklet is completed (No booklet = no trial)
    • Advise Student Absences to confirm your student is attending the trial via Compass

Trials cancelled or postponed due to weather or unforeseen circumstances will be posted on the South Coast Facebook usually by 7:00am the day of the trial.

Parents and Players Code of Conduct

Standardised QSS Codes of Conduct outline what is expected of students, parents, spectators, student officials and team participating in School Sport events and the range of consequences for breaching the code.

All Conduct Codes can be found here. External link

Breaches to the code of conduct may lead to:

  • Students: Withdrawal from the team either prior to the Regional and State Championships or if during a State Championship the student will be flown home at the parents' cost and behaviour referred to both the student's school and SSSC Board for further action.
  • Parents: Withdrawal from the event, behaviour referred to both the students School and SSSC Board for further action.

Redback Sport

Benowa has a long history of competing at State and National competitions in a range of sports. Most recently, in 2024 our year 11 Girls Volleyball team was National Champions, our U14 Flag Football team won the Australian Competition and competed in the USA and our Opens Mixed Touch team were runners up at QLD All Schools.

Extra-curricular sport provides opportunities for students to play sport with their friends, meet new people, represent our school and develop a range of skills.
Available Sports – Volleyball, Touch Football, AFL, Flag Football, Rugby.

This is open to any students; you do not need to have prior experience. Students can play in multiple teams. Depending on team numbers some sports may create training squads with a team selected prior to the tournament (this will be communicated to students). Students attend training before/after school or at lunch times. Training will be dependent on each sports competition schedule.

Payment and permission will be required for each competition (prices to vary depending sport and competition), this will be distrusted via the sport teachers closer to the events.

To join a Redbacks Sport Team please see the HPE staff in the Sports Hall or contact the Director of Sport Miss Austin (

Further Queries?

Please contact the Director of Sport, Shannon Austin on

Student accolades outside the school sport pathway

Here at Benowa SHS we are spoiled for athletic talent and often, this talent falls outside of the school sport pathway. We would love to hear about out students' achievements in whatever sport they participate in. Please email your student's achievements to the Director of Sport, Shannon Austin on, so we can celebrate their accomplishments.

Accident insurance cover for students

Some school activities and physical education, particularly contact sports, carry inherent risks of injury. Parents are advised that the Department does not have student accident insurance cover for students.

If your student is injured at school as a result of an accident or incident, all costs associated with the injury, including medical costs, are the responsibility of the student, parent or caregiver. Some incidental medical costs may be covered by Medicare. If parents have private health insurance, some costs may also be covered through the private health insurance. Any other costs would be borne by the parents.

Student Accident Insurance is an insurance policy that pays certain benefits in certain circumstances should your child have an accident. It is a personal decision for parents as to the types and levels of private insurance they arrange to cover their child for any accidental injury that may occur.

Parents should contact their insurer or an approved Australian insurance broker for more information about student personal accident insurance cover for their child.   External link

Last reviewed 07 February 2025
Last updated 07 February 2025