


Benowa State High School is one of the Gold Coast’s leading secondary schools. We understand our prime obligation is access to an appropriate educational service for students whose principal place of residence is within the school’s catchment area. We operate under as per the as per the BSHS Enrolment Management Plan  .

Prospective students seeking enrolment at Benowa State High School (BSHS) can apply under the following categories:

  • Local Catchment area: Prospective student’s principal residence must be within the defined local catchment area
  • Academic Excellence Programs: No matter the program choice, all applicants must sit the Academic Exam.  
  • The Arts Excellence Programs:  all applicants must either complete an audition or submit a portfolio or work to demonstrate the prospective student's ability. 
  • Sports Excellence: all applicants must participate in sport trials as well as submit sporting achievement information
Prospective students seeking enrolment within an excellence program must have school reports that reflect continued excellence in academia, behaviour and effort. 

For further information, please read the school's current Enrolment Management Plan  External link, gazetted on 3 November 2023 by the Department of Education.

General-Enrolment-button.png External link

 External link

General Enrolment links below


Transferring from another school

If your child is enrolling from a non-state school to a state school (or vice versa) in Queensland, the new school can request a transfer note (PDF, 209KB)  External link from the previous school. There is no need for parents or carers to complete any additional forms.

If your child has moved to Queensland from interstate, the new school can request consent from you to obtain your child's information from the previous school using the interstate student data transfer note . This system enables the new school to support the educational placements of new students.

A transfer note is not required for students transferring their enrolment from one Queensland state school to another (including primary to secondary).

When transferring

  • consider the timing of the move and if the move can coincide with the change of term
  • involve your children in discussions and decisions about moving—this may help allay any fears or concerns they have
  • if you are moving from another state, be aware that Year 6 is the final year of primary school in Queensland
  • discuss the forthcoming move with your current school and collect documentation outlining student achievement levels and education history—this helps with appropriate placement at the new school
  • prepare a list of your children's particular needs e.g. preferred subjects, sporting and other interests, transport needs, extracurricular activities
  • consider subject choices, special education provisions, transport to and from school, vocational education programs, and cultural and sporting opportunities
  • consider behaviour management, discipline and uniform policies
Last reviewed 28 January 2025
Last updated 28 January 2025