Committee members
- President: Marion Allard
- Treasurer: Leigh Manton
- Secretary: Jodie Sheppard
- P&C Qld Representative: Spencer Shaw
- Email:
What is a P&C?
P&C is the Parents and Citizens association where a group of volunteers (usually parents) meet regularly to provide feedback to the school, promote student and school interest, invest in school development and contribute to school enhancements.
In recent years the P&C has financed the library refurbishment, outdoor seating, instruments for the music program and air-conditioned the entire school.
Positions Available
school canteen is operational during the school academic year and for special functions as advised by the school principal.
The canteen is managed by a full time manager, employed by the P&C and supported by permanent part time and casual staff.
Uniform shop
The shop is normally open for trading 4 mornings:
Monday to Thursday - 8am to 12pm
Trading hours are excluding school holidays and public holiday. We may have special hours or days particularly around the start of year, so please check our Uniform Shop page for specific information.
For further information regarding the canteen or uniform shop please call (07) 5582 7352 or assistance
Benowa State High School P&C Association recognises sporting excellence amongst our student population. In recognition of those students who make Queensland School Sport (QSS) representative sporting teams and contribute fully to the sporting program at Benowa State High School, the Director of Sport nominates students to the P&C to receive financial assistance. The Director of Sport will distribute these forms to students in Term 3 or 4, with payment to be made at the end of the school year.
Students who are eligible may receive the following amounts;
- Regional Representative: competed in a South Coast team at the Queensland State Titles - $75.00
- State Representative: competed in a Queensland team at the National Titles - $100.00
- National Representative: competed in an Australian team at the International Titles - $250.00
Please note that financial assistance is capped at $250.00 per student, per year.
Whilst the P&C is often not seen at the forefront of the schools identity, our role amongst the school community is highly valued by both the administration of Benowa State High School and staff alike.
The Benowa State High School P&C strives to provide each student with their full potential because we believe 'Our children, our future'.