Benowa State High School is a uniformed school. The Parents and Citizens Association has endorsed the school’s student dress code and students are expected to meet this expectation which includes a dress standard that reflects and represents the school community while:
- attending and representing the school
- travelling to and from school
- engaging in school activities out of school hours
Our Uniform Shop is operated by our school’s P&C Association. All profits raised go back into the school for the benefit of our students.
Extended Uniform shop hours
- Monday 20 to Friday 24 January – open 7.30am to 4pm (by appointment only)
- Tuesday 28 to Friday 31 January - open 7.30am to 2.00pm
Link for appointments External link
Uniform shop hours
- Monday to Thursday - 8.00am - 12.00pm
The Uniform shop, located in G Block next to the Canteen.
Payment options
Payment can be made by cash, eftpos (NO cash out) or credit card (AMEX not accepted.) Orders can also be placed over the phone and paid for by credit card.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to purchase a PE uniform if my student doesn't have PE classes?
Yes. All students are required to have a PE uniform for Cluster Days and Inter house sports events.
I placed an uniform order via Flexischools. When can I collect my order?
You can collect your order from the uniform shop.
Second hand uniforms- We have a selection of second hand clothing for sale.
- The Uniform Shop buys back second hand uniforms for half of the price for which they will be sold.
- All garments must be laundered and pressed, no stains (e.g. ink,paint).
- All buttons, clasps, zips are on garment and in working order, no holes or fraying.
- There is no refund or exchange on purchased second hand items.
- If you would like to donate second hand uniforms for students in need, please speak to the Uniform Shop Convenor.
For further information regarding the canteen or uniform shop please contact (07) 5582 7352 or