Dissolution Notice
We are considering the dissolution of the Benowa State High School Council to strengthen our governance and decision-making processes.
Over the past year, we have faced challenges in securing strategic members for both the School Council and the P&C Association. To ensure we have a quorum for critical decisions, we propose dissolving the School Council and encouraging its members to join the P&C, making it a more strategic and effective body.
Dr. Harry, President of the School Council, supports this transition and will continue as a P&C member.
We welcome your feedback. Parents and caregivers are invited to submit written representations regarding this proposal by Wednesday, 9 April.
Benowa State High School is an Independent Public School (IPS) with an established School Council as part of this initiative. The School Council plays an important role in setting directions for the school and assists in the setting of performance targets and monitoring of our school’s performance. This strategic role is a vital link in our school’s service to the Gold Coast community.
The purpose of the school council is to provide strategic advice to the Executive Principal including approving the strategic planning.
Under this initiative, the school council must consist of elected parents, staff and student members. The Principal and P&C President are official members of the council. The council may also appoint a maximum of two industry / community members that have knowledge and experience that assist the council to perform its functions and reflect the local community context.