Benowa State High School is committed to an educational philosophy that encourages all students to achieve personal excellence by developing their talents and abilities.
Our assessment policy provides a framework which ensures justice and equity for all students.
Assessment incorporates all measures used by Benowa State High School to determine student performance. Assessment policy and procedures employed by the school comply with the policies and procedures set down by the Queensland Studies Authority (QCAA).
At all times, decision related to assessment matters will be based on the professional discretion of class teachers and the relevant Head of Department; sometimes in consultation with Administration. It is intended that this policy will inform all matters related to assessment.
Year 9 2025 Assessment Calendar (PDF, 236KB)
Year 10 2025 Assessment Calendar (PDF, 221KB )
Year 11 2025 Assessment Calendar (PDF, 351KB)
Year 12 2025 Assessment Calendar (PDF, 277KB)
Year 12 Exam Block Term 1 (PDF, 156KB)
Relevant legislation and policy
Late submission and non-submission of student responses to assessment instruments in Authority-registered subjects – Queensland Studies Authority (QCAA) Jan 2009
- Special provisions for school-based assessments in Authority and Authority-registered subjects – Queensland Studies Authority (QCAA) Jan 2009
- Strategies for authenticating student work for learning and assessment – Queensland Studies Authority (QCAA) May 2005
- Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework
- Subject area syllabus
School responsibilities
- Publish all assessment dates on the assessment calendar
- Provide students with assessment instruments in an appropriate time frame
- Provide appropriate class time for assessment
- Provide feedback to students on both rough draft and final assessment tasks in a timely manner
- Enact procedures which ensure a consistency of standards is maintained in the marking of assessment instruments e.g. moderation
Student responsibilities
- Ensure all assessment tasks submitted are original work
- Use the school reference policy
- Present a rough draft to teachers for each assessment
- Demonstrate mandated requirements of the course
- Submit all assessment tasks by the due date
- Ensure all assessments are completed to a level that is deemed satisfactory by the subject teacher and the respective Head of Department, in terms of content and presentation
Parent/Caregiver responsibilities
- Encourage students to submit all drafts and final assessment instruments by the due date
- Inform the appropriate school staff of difficulties relating to the completion of assessment items and provide documentary evidence where necessary
Junior Secondary (Years 7, 8, 9)
Examinations and tests
If a student is unable to attend school at the time of the test/exam, the parent/guardian is required to notify the school of the reason for the absence. On return to school after illness students are to bring a note from their parent/guardian.
If students are absent for any other reason they should contact one of the Directors to make an appointment to discuss the circumstances of the absence. Students are expected to arrange a time on the day they return to school after the period of absence to complete the tests/exams missed.
No mobile telephones or other electronic devices capable of communication between persons are to be present in the examination.
The assignment must be the student’s own work
The assignment must be completed and presented by the due date unless there are exceptional circumstances
If absence is due to illness or bereavement, the student:
must produce the assignment and a note from parent/guardian on the day of return
may send it with a friend or a relative on the day
the parent/guardian should contact the Head of Department prior to the due date to alert them that the assessment item will not be handed in due to illness / bereavement.
Oral and non-written presentations
If absent on the day of presentation the student must:
- contact the school
- produce a note from a parent/guardian on return to school
On the day of your return to school make arrangements with teacher/Head of Department to complete the Oral/Non-Written presentation.
Failure to submit documentation
If the student does not complete the Oral/Non-written presentation by the due date, judgments will be made using evidence available on or before the due date (such as rehearsals, drafts, classwork).
In cases where students do not submit a response by the due date, judgments will be made using evidence available on or before the due date such as drafts and classwork.
Senior Secondary (Years 10, 11, 12)
Examinations and tests
Year 10, 11 and 12 students must provide a medical certificate for failing to attend an examination or test. The test/exam must be completed as soon as the student returns to school.
The assignment will be the student’s own work and it is expected that students will hand in work to the classroom teacher on the due date
However in the case of a legitimate emergency, students have until 3 pm Friday of the week the assessment is due to submit their assessment. After this it is considered late, and it must be signed in to the office, with an explanation for missing the actual due date (e.g. transport, printer problems or medical certificate if ill).
Late assignments
The completion of the assessment is vital so that the objectives of the course are met. Credit for the semester (and the student’s OP eligibility) will be affected if all assessment is not completed. In cases where students do not submit a response by the due date, judgments will be made using evidence available on or before the due date such as drafts and classwork.
Oral/Non-written presentations
Failure to complete oral/non written presentations
If the student does not complete the Oral/Non written presentation by the due date, judgments will be made using evidence available on or before the due date (such as rehearsals, drafts, class work).
Extensions will only be considered and/or approved by the head of department in advance of the due date.
Students are expected to fulfil mandatory assessment requirements for all subjects. If work is not handed in, teachers will first look to classroom work to grade. It is in the students’ interests to hand in as much as they can by the due date because, even if incomplete or rough draft, work can be given some credit and may contribute to the overall grade.
However, if the assignment is so slight that the objectives of the course are clearly not demonstrated, the teacher, in conjunction with the Head of Department, reserves the right to make the decision not to give credit for the semester.
If there is no evidence that the objectives of the course have been met the student will not be given credit for that semester on his/her Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). This could affect the student’s OP eligibility. Warning letters will be sent home by the Directors as notification that no credit for the semester could be a result of non-submission.