Developed by Rudolf Steiner in
1919, The Steiner Education Program at Benowa State High School provides a
creative and academic way of learning to extend students in all subject areas.
The program develops learning activities which are intellectually challenging,
connected to the real world and are inclusive, participatory and socially
critical. Steiner Education promotes the use of discussion, collaboration and
democratic classroom practice where students are given space to articulate and
problematize how knowledge is constructed.

What is Steiner Education?
Steiner Education approaches all aspects of
schooling in a unique and comprehensive way.
The curriculum is designed to help students develop their full potential
as scholars, artists, athletes and community members.
It is easy to fall into the error of believing
that education must make our children fit into society. Although we are certainly influenced by what
the world brings us, the fact is that the world is shaped by people, not people
by the world.
Steiner Education recognises and honours the
full range of human potential. It
addresses the whole child by striving to awaken and enable latent
capacities. Students in the program
undertake, Extension English, Mathematics, History, Geography and the Sciences.
In addition, a creative program of instruction including Visual Art, Music,
Dance and Drama is interwoven throughout units of study and across the course.
Steiner Education endeavours to prepare young
adults who are knowledgeable about the world and human history and culture; who
have many varied practical and artistic abilities; who feel a deep connection
with the natural world; and who can act with both initiative and freedom as a
member of today’s diverse society.
There is a supportive classroom environment
within the program with one teacher delivering all subjects over the Junior
Secondary years of high school. This provides space for an integrated
curriculum in place if the standard curriculum which contains few links between
subject areas and assessment pieces.
Student performance
is monitored regularly and the school holds high expectations around work this,
application and behaviour. Students must
display appropriate behaviour and effort across all subjects whilst in this
program. The school in consultation with
families reserves the right to withdraw students from this program at any time.