The Visual Art Excellence program develops artistic skills in the individual and explores how artists work collaboratively. Students will have the opportunity to explore a range of mediums and exchange ideas techniques and perspectives that shape an artwork. The Visual Arts Excellence program allows students with flair and interest in Art to extend their thinking, understanding and use of perceptual and conceptual skills. They use and apply appropriate visual language and visual conventions with increasing complexity. Students will consider the qualities and sustainable properties of materials, techniques, technologies and processes and combine these to create and produce solutions to their artworks.
Students will focus on:
- Making techniques: clay – sculpture, etching – printmaking, drawing – mixed media and digital art
- The role of the artist
Program Entry
All Visual Arts Excellence applicants will be required to submit a folio of work. Applications may submit approximately 4-6 of the following:
- Photographs of art works including drawings, paintings, prints, sculpture, origami
- Certificates awarded, art prizes and letters of recommendation from artists and teachers should also be included in the application
Where possible it is best to show a range of artistic skills. Include 2 to 3 different media.

Program Specific Conditions
- Create work for the annual art exhibition evening FUSIONS
- Attend Excursions to GOMA and QLD Galleries
- Attend Energies Art Exhibition
- Participate in workshops with professional artists
- Create installations in school locations
- Students must exhibit talent and ability along with a strong work ethic in all aspects of the course work.
- Students must display high standards of behaviour and effort across all subjects whilst in this program.
- These high standards are essential for students to be able to undertake both the demands and opportunities this program offers.
- Be sensitive to the differences of others and consistently demonstrate an ability to show genuine concern and empathy for fellow peers.
- Represent our program in a manner that promotes the school values of Compassion, Diligence, Integrity and Respect at all times.